Distant BodyTalk Session
What Is An Online BodyTalk Session?
An online BodyTalk session is basically the same as an in-person session. However, instead of the session being done in person, it is facilitated from a distance. Often times, the appointment will be conducted by phone or a video conference service such as Zoom. In some instances when the client and Certified BodyTalk Practitioner have difficulty coordinating schedules due to large differences in time zones, for example, Xin Hui will then make an audio recording of the session and email the session to the client. The client can then listen to the session at their convenience. Alternatively, the distant session can be done live online via Zoom or Whatapp Videocall, at the preference of the client. This allows BodyTalk to benefit clients from all over the world, and not just in Singapore.
How Does An Online BodyTalk Session Work?
Same as an in-person session, Xin Hui usually begins by asking about your health and wellness history either in a written format or verbally. They’ll also ask what your primary complaints are and help you to clarify what you would like the optimal outcome of your session(s) to be.
When it’s time to receive the session, approach it exactly as if you were with Xin Hui in-person at their clinic. Sit down or lie down. Make yourself comfortable. You can listen to the session on speaker or with earbuds/headphones on. Close your eyes and relax.
Xin Hui will then use MindScape (a mental training tool) to focus on your bodymind. Just as during an in-person appointment, Xin Hui will “ask” your body which areas are a priority to be addressed and which techniques are necessary. They may ask you to participate by contacting certain areas of your body and eventually they’ll ask you to do the tapping on your head, breastbone and belly as stated above. This continues until your body indicates it’s time to end the session.
Scientific Basis of An Online BodyTalk Session
Everything is energy. In BodyTalk everything is consciousness. When you deconstruct anything physical, you end up with molecules, atoms, subatomic particles and, ultimately, frequencies of energy. Every “thing” and every person has a unique frequency the same as every radio or television station has its own unique frequency. It is using concepts from modern physics such as quantum entanglement which come from quantum physics and working with the idea that consciousness is the substrate of all things. These phenomena defy the limitations of time and space.
Using their MindScape workshop, Xin Hui is then able to “tune in” to your unique energy frequency, access the information necessary to conduct your BodyTalk session and facilitate healing.