What Can BodyTalk Help With?
Menstrual Irregularities
Ovarian cysts, Endometriosis, Uterine Tumors, Fibroids, Painful or Irregular Menses
Hormone levels are regulated by establishing healthy communication among the ovaries, pituitary and adrenals, which are responsible for healthy female reproductive function.
The uterus represents femininity, nurturing, and rejection or acceptance. The ovaries relate to the sexual chakra, our acceptance of our physical body, reproduction, sensuality and sexuality. Addressing these consciousness issues brings about a shift in perspective that changes the organ's physiology.
From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is responsible for the movement of blood. When imbalanced, it causes stagnation and pain.
Headaches or Migraines
Severe, periodic headaches that affect one side of the head or both.
The main factor in migraines is stress or trauma, which block lines of communication within the body. Other factors include food intolerances, hormonal imbalances, menstrual issues, emotions.
From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, BodyTalk approaches migraines in terms of energy. Energy flowing in all the acupuncture meridians move upwards to the head. When this energy becomes stagnant, people experience pressure and/or pain; nausea.
A common symptom of headaches is dehydration. The consciousness of dehydration is a 'lack of joy'. We find the pain attenuated when we can tackle our stressful thoughts with joy.
Viruses & Bacteria Infections
Viruses: Colds, Flu, Epstein-Barr, Warts, Shingles, etc
Bacteria: Streptococcus, E-coli, Stomach Ulcers, Bladder/Ear/Eye Infections etc
From a consciousness-based perspective, the body is first weakened by thoughts, belief systems or emotions that affect the functioning of the immune system so that it is unable to do its job.
From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, our Wei Qi is the Protective Energy that circulates at the surface of the body. A weak Wei Qi makes one susceptible to the invasion of exogenous pathogens such as viruses and bacteria and vice versa.
Our ability to fight off infections is dependent on our immune system. Immunosuppression is common in those with chronic stress as the person is unable to mobilize the body's natural immunity.
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue
Fibromyalgia: "Pain in muscle fibre" is a term for deep muscle pain that lasts for more than 6 months and includes sleep disorders, foggy thinking, mood swings, anxiety, exhaustion.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Muscle & joint pain, mental and physical exhaustion unrelieved by rest, poor immune response, depression, sudden-onset flu-like symptoms, and post-viral fatigue.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue ultimately stem from stress. Living in technologically advanced societies, we are constantly being bombared by electromagnetic frequencies (e.g. 5G, phones) that interfere with the micro-electrical impulses in our nervous system.
Processed foods, food additives & artificial sweeteners are contributing factors and can cause our systems to become toxic. Each person's symptoms are unique and will be addressed individually.
Acne & Pimples
Inflammatory - hair follicles and their associated sebaceous glands are inflamed
Non-inflammatory - pimples, spots, zits
Milk, processed foods and refined sugars are common food allergies that cause acne. Puberty and its associated fluctuations in oestrogen and testosterone levels cause hormonal imbalances. Sebaceous glands often become overactive during this time.
Stress disguised in all forms; lack of regular sleep can also be underlying causes of acne. BodyTalk looks at the person holistically, addressing frustrations, insecurities, and the emotional rollercoaster caused by constantly having to adapt to changing hormonal levels.
Medication such as inhalers and antibiotics may have side effects and cause an already toxic liver to be overwhelmed. BodyTalk regulates, harmonizes, balances and detoxifies the liver.
Inflammation of the joints - Osteoarthritis, Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis
In gout, the build-up of uric crystals around the joints can be addressed using the digestive and metabolic systems.
From a consciousness perspective, arthritic knees can be addressed through the consciousness of the knees - the fear of moving forwards in life. Pain in the joints can also be due to the storage of trauma or emotions from an old injury; releasing it will help relieve a client's symptoms.
The belief systems that dictate the rules by which we run our lives can affect the body. An over-rigid belief system may cause stiff joints. Releasing the belief system in question also releases the stiffness.
Allergies & Intolerances
Allergies - immediate reaction to one or more substances
Intolerances - slower reaction, a few days later
Allergies are caused by a complex mixture of chemical imbalances, emotional holdings, belief systems, environmental disturbances and genetic weaknesses. Symptoms include hives, rashes, diarrhoea, sneezing, itching, nausea. Intolerances are often food-related and reactions are delayed, thus making it difficult for the person to realise it is harmful to the body. Symptoms include digestive/auto-immune/skin disorders, headaches, chronic fatigue.
We desensitize the body without elimination diets or reactions. Your body can learn to integrate these substances rather than having to fight against them. The BodyTalk System is a unique modality that allows one to learn to live with a reactive substance, integrating it into your lifestyle, rather than avoiding it.
Chronic Pain
Intermittent or constant pain over prolonged periods
As the human body consists of 70 to 80% water, every single biochemical reaction and function in the body requires water.
When the body is dehydrated, nerve transmission is compromised and brain function is strongly diminished. Chronic nerve pain can be the result of chronic dehydration. Water is also required for the ions that are involved in skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation. Dehydration causes malfunction in muscle fiber physiology, resulting in pain.
Hydration is not only about the quantity of water consumed but how our body is able to utilize the water we drink efficiently. People can drink a lot of water and still be dehydrated.
The hydration technique in BodyTalk ensures that the cells in our body are able to utilize water effectively, hence preventing pain.
Digestive Disorders
Heartburn, Gastritis, Stomach Ulcers, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease etc
BodyTalk teaches the body to produce its own digestive enzymes and to regulate its stomach acids to assimilate foods within the small intestine that previously caused harm or discomfort.
Our gut microbiome is a dynamic ecosystem influenced by diet, age, stress etc. The stresses from the environment directly affects the lining of the digestive tract, minimising the absorption of vital nutrients. A disrupted gut microbiome can induce inflammation in the intestines.
The consciousness of the large intestine relates to letting go of the past (e.g. resentments, trauma, relationships). Wanting control in a compulsive manner, the inability to release results in constipation.
Take the first step towards your healing journey by booking in a BodyTalk session today!