BodyTalk for Mental Health (Anxiety, Depression, Trauma) and Stress Release
What is stress and how does it affect us?
Stress in itself is not a bad emotion when expressed in a healthy manner. From an evolutionary perspective, stress is an important emotion that is part of our survival mechanism.
When a hunter-gatherer sees a predator in the jungle, the amygdala in our brain would signal the adrenal glands to secrete the stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline. These stress hormones are responsible for the physiological reactions of increased heart rate, sweating, blood flow to muscles, blood sugar release and pupil dilation to help flee from the predator and find safety. This is known as the ‘fight or flight’ response.
In today’s world, we no longer have to deal with physical threats such as predators in the jungle. Our fight or flight response is more likely to be triggered by mental, emotional and psychological threats - stressful events such as the modern day pressures of maintaining personal/family/work/social relationships and making a living. This results in most people going through life in a chronically stressed mode and we never really come out of it to go into healing mode.
How does BodyTalk help with Stress Release and reducing chronic stress?
BodyTalk Therapy can help with stress release and reduce chronic stress via the following methods:
Balance the brain to improve clarity in the mind and reduce fogginess
Calm down your nervous system to reduce excessive sympathetic overload or sympathetic overdrive
Reduce triggers that cause the body to be stuck in a ‘fight, flight, freeze, faint’ mode and shift it towards a ‘rest and digest’ mode
Shift your mindset when it comes to managing life stressors
Integrate stressors into your life rather than dealing with it via coping mechanisms
Be more compassionate to yourself
Address fixed belief systems and mental attitudes
Dissociate emotional trauma from specific situations
Transmute active memories to passive memories
How does the BodyTalk Cortices technique help with Stress Release?
The BodyTalk Cortices Technique is one of the most critical techniques that helps to rebalance the amygdala complex and makes us less reactive to situations that we perceive as being dangerous. It addresses the entire bodymind complex by focusing on the brain, regardless of what physical or emotional imbalances are present; improving our brain function and releasing our brain of dysfunctional beliefs.
BodyTalk For Emotional Release
Where are emotions stored in the body?
Emotions are stored in our body’s connective tissues that surrounds our muscles, organs, blood and nerves (fascia). When emotions are in excess/deficiency or not stored in its natural position (based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory), it creates tension in the connective tissue that shows up in our physical body as body aches, tightness, weakness, cramps, pain, injury or any other physical symptom in the muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Why is emotional release important?
Releasing the emotions allows us to then mobilize them for their healthy expression.
Healthy Joy allows us to receive and grow
Healthy Sadness allows us to have nostalgia and remembrance
Healthy Worry allows us to solve problems
Healthy Grief allows us to purge, cleanse and move on
Healthy Fear allows us to have boundaries and offers protection
Healthy Anger motivates us to act, set boundaries and be productive
How can BodyTalk help with Emotional Release?
When emotional release occurs during a BodyTalk session, the tension in our connective tissue in the affected area is released. By releasing the suppressed or stored emotions in the body that no longer serves us, our mind feels lighter and happier. We are able to see things from a different perspective and see the different possibilities that life has to offer instead of being trapped within the rigidity of our own minds. Overall, one would feel less depressed and our mental health improves.
Since our body and mind is heavily interconnected, when we experience a positive change at the physical level our mental health state naturally improves as well.
How can Emotional Release help my health and well-being?
Common physical symptoms aggravated by stress and emotional imbalances that BodyTalk can help with includes:
Skin issues
Auto-immune diseases/conditions
Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Digestive issues
Inflammatory conditions
And many more
Clinical experience has also shown that emotional release during BodyTalk can help with poor mental health such as:
Rigid Mindset
Mental Disorders
Negative Thinking/Attitudes
And many more